Bear with me

No, not an SMS from a frightened Canadian hiker.

Just a request, because I was sent the results of a “Roast My Website” thing for this blog by someone (thanks, you-know-who), and I was going to do a blog post about it (as hinted at here), because actually, it made some good points in amongst the AI-generated trash.
On a couple of occasions, what it thought was an insult, I took as a bit of compliment. And so I thought I would review the roast.

But now I’ve lost that email.

Great work.

By the way, when I say “roast”, it’s not like a Sunday lunchtime thing. It’s one of these ones:

So I went back to the site, and I tried to redo the roast, but now the site isn’t working.

I’m tempted to humorously mock or humiliate it with a well-timed joke, diss or comeback, but I think the irony is already so heavily laden on top of it, that I might push it over the edge.

While there are other websites offering the same sort of service, I thought that this one was actually quite clever. And so that post will have to wait for another time.

Perhaps that’s just as well, given the utter chaos into which this Wednesday afternoon and evening seems to be descending. Four family members in four very different places (although 2 will inadvertently meet up later on), while the beagle holds the fort at home.

But I will get to that blog post at some point in the near future, just as soon as I can get their website working.

Bear with me.