Disinterested vs Uninterested

Just a quick reminder from the 6000 miles… Dictionary Desk:

Disinterested and Uninterested aren’t synonyms.

Uninterested means the opposite of Interested. Like, for example, in this sentence from yesterday’s post:

For the record, I don’t fall into any category save possibly for “completely uninterested” when it comes to today’s events.

Not bothered. Don’t care. Uninterested.

Disinterested means impartial. Your financial advisor is supposed to be disinterested when it comes to the suggestions s/he makes for you. They shouldn’t be making decisions based just on making money for themselves.

Your financial advisor should not be uninterested. That’s awful customer service.
So, in short, find yourself a new financial advisor if yours is either uninterested or not disinterested. Or both.

It’s not a massively clear distinction between these two words though, as oxforddictionariesdotcom points out:

Today, the ‘incorrect’ use of disinterested is widespread: around a quarter of citations in the Oxford English Corpus for disinterested are for this sense.

Oh dear.