9 thoughts on “Prawn Explosion Bomb

  1. I’ve just fallen over in shock at the price!!! If that is the price of a dish in a Chinese, how much does a Maccy D’s burger cost these days?!?

    Not sure about the tofu – the rest of the ingredients meet my approval, though! 😉

    Helga Hansen´s last blog post was: Duvet Day (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  2. HH > SA is has the most affordable Big Mac in the world, according to the Big Mac index.
    Sadly, even the excellent relative pricing doesn’t mean it tastes any good.

  3. I blame you for my resulting hankering for Sushi, Chinese food and yes – gunpowder.

    Rob´s last blog post was: It’s been a while… (Note: 6000 miles… is not responsible for the content of external internet sites)

  4. Rob > You should have seen the cocktail menu. Bang Bang, baby!

    Po > Not yet. But give it time.

    OL > Perhaps you should consider a taster before 5th April. Might power you round. (Not that you need help, obviously)

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