Just messing around

I’m playing and experimenting with various themes and plugins for WordPress. That’s why each time you visit the site, it looks slightly different and (probably) a bit crap too.

Length has never really been a problem for me, but I am very concerned about the lack of width. My passages seem to be a little constricted and there’s nothing worse than a constricted passage.  Sadly, it seems that your WordPress theme must either have loads of trashy artwork on it or just be very dull indeed. Thus, I’m despearately trying to find a widthy compromise between simplicity and excitement. 

With 1,625 themes to choose from, maybe I’m just being a bit fussy. But I know that my readers demand nothing but the highest standards from 6000 miles… and I hate to disappoint.

Bear with me. I’ll get it sorted soon. I have to. The boy is due to wake from his daytime slumbers at any moment and then we will have a whole lot of lego to play with and a vast array of teddies to arrange. The fun never stops.

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