Fifth Amendment – Testing Audio Player

Greetings from sunny South Africa, where, having utilised a couple of 737’s and my 3-year old son to help me, I successfully turned the front garden into the horticultural version of Ground Zero, It’s a job I’d been meaning to tackle for ages, so with the alcohol (really, who uses mercury anymore?) hitting a heady 33°C, this seemed the unideal opportunity to do it.

It wasn’t my idea, of course. Mrs 6000 was the one that suggested I make a start on it. I strenuously argued my point and after a terse discussion, thought I had the perfect excuse to get out of it. But the (female) paramedics that were stood over me when I came round said that I could get the stitches put in later and promptly disappeared off for their lunch break.

Knowing that music makes the job go faster (and conveniently drowns out continuing instructions from indoors), SnoopyToo – my iPod – came along with me, and as I attacked a particularly resistant agapantha, I was treated to Fifth Amendment’s Scared Am I. Which summed things up nicely for both the plant and myself.  
I thought – as I tore his little roots out of the ground – this is a song I should share with my reader. Both of him.

And thus, having installed the WP Audio Player plugin and plonked a few megs of mp3 into the media library, here it is:

[audio: Am I.mp3]

Fifth Amendment should have made it big. Their nu-metal sound hit the market just as nu-metal was becoming popular, it was just that… well… it just never quite happened for them. A UK tour (I will never forget that night in the backroom at the Bullingdon on Cowley Road), a couple of singles and an album. I bought them all and still have them.
And then a trip to LA. I never heard of them again.

If Alli, their flame-haired singer is out there and reading this, I’d love to know what you’re up to now. If you have some free time, I could do with some help in the garden…

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