Summer’s come…

It’s hard to believe that just a few weeks ago, I took the kids around the peninsular during/after the biggest storm of the winter.

Today is a million miles from that: a gentle breeze, cloudless blue skies and the promise of an even better – and hotter – day tomorrow. To celebrate that, I’ll be playing football at noon.

Will I never learn?

Wire Wool

You know I like long exposure photographs. Well, I am going to try this.
I am going to try this. I am going to try this. I am going to try this.

Seriously, I am going to try this. That’s because I’ve been meaning to try this for ages (like I did with the ginger beer and that worked out ok) and now that summer is on the way, I am going to try this. Really.

I can only hope that my results are even half as good as CJ Wormwell‘s though.

Nice on white, maybe, but MUCH, MUCH BETTER ON BLACK (and then click fullscreen for the full effect).

I’m pretty sure that’s the beach in Ramsey in the Isle of Man, not that it really matters. You can see his other wire wool photos here.

And should you feel the need to have a go too, here’s a decent tutorial on how to go about it.

Photo credit: Many thanks to Chris for his permission to use his photo.

Everyone’s going somewhere…

And I’m going to a larney (that’s posh) restaurant for dinner, so I thought I’d slip a quick quota photo in between the lines here.

This was taken on the Pier Head in Liverpool while we were away in July. The place was a hive of activity with everyone seemingly having somewhere to go, something to do, save for the introspective girl looking over the Mersey.

I like the juxtaposition of the awkward but focussed gent struggling with his large case, with a destination in sight and the woman whose mind is probably anywhere but where she actually is.

I could just be reading too much into a couple of people in a photo though.

Bigger & Better on Black